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Call for Research Articles

Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences(Vol. 1, No. 1, July-Dec, 2023)

Far Western University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences invites research articles from scholars, researchers, educators, and practitionersfromhomeandabroadfor the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Volume 1, No. 1, 2023. This journal will be biannual, peer reviewed publication of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The journal will publishacademic research articles in a wide range of areas of humanities and social sciences. In general, articleswill beaccepted in English. However, papers on Nepali literature will be accepted in Nepali language.Authors are requested to create their manuscript in the MS Word and submit them electronically as an attachment via e-mail to jhss@fwu.edu.np.

Article Submission Deadline: 30 October, 2023
Editorial Notification: Within 10 days of submission
Article Publication Date: 01 January, 2024
Article Publication Charge: No

Patron Prof. Dr. Mukund Ballabh Kalauni (Dean, FoHSS)

Editorial Board
Dr. Rajendra Bir Chand (Editor-in-Chief)
Associate Prof. Anuradha Rokaya
Dr. Atma Ram Bhatt
Dr. Dipak Raj Joshi
Dr. Deepak Chandra Bhatt (Managing Editor)

1. General guidelines for manuscript writing Authors submitting their research articles must follow the guidelines given below:

  • Title (within 12 words, specific and informative, reflecting the main issue)
  • Abstract (between 150 to 250 words with background information of the issue or problem being researched, purpose, research method and research design with research tools, main finding and the implication/conclusion/novelty)
  • Keywords (4-6 words, should be descriptive, the title words should not be repeated)
  • Introduction (should raise the research problem/issue with concise background, state the context, problem statement with its significance or rationale of the study and the objectives/research questions/hypothesis)
  • Literature Review/Theoretical Framework (Optional as it may be the part of the Introduction; theoretical, thematic, policy and empirical review providing a description, summary, and critical evaluation of the works in relation to the research problem being investigated with the research gap)
  • Methods and Procedures (research method, research design, population and sample or participants, sampling strategy, research site/context, tools, and procedure of analysis and interpretation)
  • Results (What? summarize the main findings of your research with statistics/tables/figures or themes with textual data/verbatim/quotes/artifacts or both if mixed methods)
  • Discussion (Why that happened? interpret and describe the significance of your findings/results with critique and arguments/counterarguments linking with relevant theories and previous studies; A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate.)
  • Conclusion (it is not a summary; derive conclusion from the results and discussion being reflective, implication, recommendation for future research related to your topic)
  • References (follow the APA 7th edition, at least 15 references)
2. Only research-based articles will be considered for peer-reviewing.
3. The submissions must be original work that is not submitted to another journal, or under consideration for publication anywhere else in any other form. The corresponding author should declare this when submitting the paper to the Editorial Board.
4. Manuscript should consist of at least 3500 words and not exceed more than 7,000 words including references.
5. Manuscript should be prepared using Microsoft Word. The text should be left aligned and typed in Times New Roman, 12 font size with One and half (1.5) spacing between lines, and 1-inch margins in all sides of A4 paper.
6. The abstract should be informative and should not exceed 250 words. It should include objectives, methods, results and conclusion.
7. Following the abstract, 4 to 6 keywords should cover the thematic aspect.
8. APA 7th edition should be followed.
9. To facilitate the blind review process, authors’ name should not appear anywhere in the manuscript or in the filename. Author’s name, designation and institutional should be in a separate file.
10. Authors are requested to check manuscript for accuracy of language before submission.
11. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make editorial changes to any manuscript accepted for publication to enhance clarity and style.
12. Author should mention clearly DOIs and persistent links to those references that have DOIs.
13. Copyright for articles published in this journal are retained by the authors, with first publication right granted to the publisher.
14. The publisher is not responsible for subsequent uses of the work. It is the author's responsibility to bring an infringement action if so desired by the author.

2.Review Process

Prior to review by the board of editor, each paper is screened by the Member of the Editorial Board to check its suitability in favor of publication. If it is considered for publication, the Corresponding Author will receive a notification of peer-review process. All manuscripts are reviewed by an editor and members of the Editorial Board or qualified outside reviewers. The journal strives to return reviewers’ comments to authors within one month. The editorial board re-review manuscripts that are accepted until they are revised. The manuscripts will be published within two months after acceptance. Upon the completion of the review process, an article will receive evaluation result as follows:

Accepted with minor revision
Accepted with major revision
Rejected or declined

3. Format of the Article

The general organization of the research article/paper is presented into IMRD. However, area specific variations may be considered.
a. Introduction
b. Methods
c. Results
d. Discussion